CSRF – yet another security issue you should worry about NOW.

Read this.

CSRF (wikipedia), a cross-site request forgery, is one of the most recent and under-publicized attacks on the web. It boils down to a user browsing to a web site, downloading a web page, and unknowingly, submitting requests to other web servers, usually with malicious intent. The example linked above demonstrates a hack where a specially crafted URL is formed that actually changes the settings on a common DSL router used in Mexico (by relying on the fact the user name/password combination is well known and unlikely to have changed).

If you allow user input in a web application our on a web site (even as part of a forum or blog comments), you could be unwittingly providing hackers a friendly spot in which they can inject these well-formed, but malicious URLs to be hosted. Unfortunately, they’re very difficult to track down.

I moderate all comments on my web site so that no unwanted links become published.

But, if you write software — consider all avenues of data entry, etc. Trust NO INPUT. Don’t trust the data that is in your database. Assume that it has been compromised. Assume nothing.

How to Add Page Level Comments to a WordPress Theme

If you need to add comments to your Pages when using WordPress, just add the following line of code to your Page Template:

<?php $postcount++; ?>

<?php if ((‘open’ == $post-> comment_status)) { comments_template(); } ?>

<?php endwhile; ?>

I’m using the “LightBreaker” theme so I only need to edit one file.


Then on the page editor, I can control the comments by changing the advanced setting for “Allow Comments”:


Oh my, the Kindle is in Stock!

imageI’m waiting for version 2, but many many people having been patiently waiting for the Kindle to become available again. It’s all yours. Send your feedback to Jeff so that version 2 is exactly what I need (well, has the features I need in the form factor I’d like). :)

In an alternate Universe, .NET code executes in parallel

Actually, it’s right here as the Microsoft Parallel Extensions to the .NET 3.5 Framework Dec. 2007 CTP (what a mouthful!). If you’re not familiar with these extensions, the brief summary is simple (straight from MSDN):

Parallel Extensions to the .NET Framework is a managed programming model for data parallelism, task parallelism, and coordination on parallel hardware unified by a common work scheduler. Parallel Extensions makes it easier for developers to write programs that scale to take advantage of parallel hardware—providing improved performance as the numbers of cores and processors increase—without having to deal with many of the complexities of today’s concurrent programming models. Parallel Extensions provides library-based support for introducing concurrency into applications written with any .NET language, including but not limited to C# and Visual Basic.

What that’s trying to say is that it makes it easier to write complex multi-threaded, divide and conquer-style code. If you have code that just uses threads occasionally, maybe via the ThreadPool (or my current favorite, the BackgroundWorker), you could switch to using these extensions. But, the benefits currently won’t likely outweigh the work necessary to make the switch. If however, you’ve got code that could take advantage of parallelism, code that is executing on multiple processors simultaneously (doing the exact same functions), then the extensions may be exactly what you’re looking for.

I’ve absolutely written code before which has a queue, multiple threads that are processing the queue, and chugged through that code. It’s messy, error prone, and subject to performance woes if not written carefully. I hate writing it as it’s always easier to code incorrectly (or not adequately) than it is to write correctly.

At it’s most simple, it could be used like this:

static void Main(string[] args)
    int[,] data = new int[1024, 512];
    Parallel.For(0, 1024, i =>
        for (int j = 0; j < 512; j++)
            data[i, j] = (int) j * i ;

        Console.Write("[{0}]", i);


A simple loop which, in parallel, executes the inner loop to set the rows of data. The Parallel.For statement doesn’t return until the loop is entirely completed. Super simple.

There’s no guarantee of order as you can see from these results:


Clearly, some of the work is being done out of sequence. This is one of the key tenants and rules of the Parallel extensions currently — the work will be done when the work is done — in whatever order is determined to be best by the Parallel Task Scheduler. You should never rely on any particular order. Period. Assume things are in a semi-random sequence.

There is also a handy IEnumerable ForEach iterator:

static void ComputeHashes(string startFolder)
    DirectoryInfo rootFolder = new DirectoryInfo(startFolder);
    FileInfo[] files = rootFolder.GetFiles("*.*");

    Parallel.ForEach<DirectoryInfo>(rootFolder.GetDirectories(), dir =>

    Parallel.ForEach<FileInfo>(files, file =>
        Console.WriteLine("{0} .... ", file.Name);
        MD5 md5 = MD5.Create();
        byte[] hash;
        using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(file.FullName))
            hash = md5.ComputeHash(stream);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++)
            sb.AppendFormat("{0:X}", hash[i]);

        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", file.Name, sb.ToString());

The above example iterates through folders in search of files so that the MD5 HASH checksum can be output.

I’m not going to attempt to go through all the APIs and options (as there’s a lot there including Parallel Extensions for LINQ). There’s ample documentation available on the web, and a well maintained blog by the team at Microsoft. This blog post in particular answers a bunch of questions that you might have about the Parallel Extensions.

One thing I’d like to see is for an easier way to debug an application when using the Parallel Extensions. When multiple threads are active, it’s really tough to debug (even on a single workstation) a multi-threaded application. In my threaded development, I usually have a switch I can set to use only a single thread for testing, debugging, so that I can retain some part of my sanity. I’d suggest something like a Parallel.DebugMode = true … I don’t need to set the specific number of threads … just give me one. :)

I’m not clear on when I’d want to use these extensions, especially on a web server — seems like the answer is never (or rarely)?

In any case, now’s the time to check this stuff out so that you can provide feedback before they ship.

Missing Audio on Mac Book Pro with BootCamp

If you recently upgraded to the latest version of BootCamp and audio is no longer working, you can try this:

  1. Start the Device Manager
  2. Expand Sound, video and game controllers
  3. Right click on Realtek High Definition Audio
  4. Select Properties.
  5. Click the Driver tab.
  6. Select Roll Back Driver.

This restored audio on my MacBook Pro. I couldn’t find any other fixes that worked — and this is simple.