Things that made me laugh today

#1) Our cat, on our screened back porch, (who by the way, has only been allowed on the screen porch a few times) … apparently, things on the inside are better than being on the outside. She often sits on a desk that is on the inside of the window, longingly looking out the window. Apparently, she’d like to know what it looks like from the other side.


#2) Best Break up Letter, Ever?

#3) Highlight what’s bad

And a whole different type of humor:

#4) Stargate, built in backyard

To Cul-de-sac or not?

From Seattle Transit Blog, a discussion of the effect of cul-de-sacs on walkability.


We’re living out in rural southern Wisconsin, so these issues don’t really affect us in any way. However, we’ve lived in suburban areas for a few years, and always enjoyed the areas that had more connectivity for walking and biking than those that did not. I’m not saying that a “grid” pattern is better, but leaving green space for walking/biking trails between cul-de-sac areas seems like something that should be part of every community development plan these days.

We enjoyed the suburban areas we walked in a lot more when there was some walking variety. Not the same street, same neighbor, same dilapidated porch, etc. Our first home was suburban-rural and only had a few walking options. It wasn’t nearly as much fun to walk there routinely as when we lived in Bellevue, Washington for a few years.

(I’m intentionally ignoring part of the blog-post’s issues that were raised regarding convenience factors of living on a grid-based road system).


Prudential User Experience Fail

I was updating my life insurance beneficiaries (for insurance provided by my employer) and I had just added my wife as a primary beneficiary and then indicated that I wanted to add another. I must be a total screw up:

You have recently updated your beneficiary details. Please wait one day to perform one more transaction.

Uh – I’m allowed one “transaction” per day? I guess that’s one way to make a scalable web system and not overload the database system too much.

I’m feeling very unlucky today

Oh, please Google, stop, for the love of search, make it stop!


I can’t see an option to remove the background image and switch back to the default. I tried replacing it with a tiny transparent image, but I was denied …, as it requires an image at least 800×600. So, I tried a white 800×600 image:


Weak though. I liked the fact that the image was tiny (around 600 bytes), but it’s too washed out. Apparently, Google doesn’t have an algorithm that can make a smart decision about text contrast and the photo being used. Too bad.

So, I tried a black image:


Not too bad. Passable.

I’d prefer however an option to switch back to the simple white background. The default background image today is absolutely awful (IMHO). I’m sure I’m not the only person this morning shocked by the change.

This option is such a tease:


As it just removes an image you selected, and switches back to the default image. :-P

If you’d like the black background I use as a temporary fix…, just click on the black rectangle below, which should open the original file. Right click on that and “save as” to your desktop.


Today, I will start using Bing more. I like the way they do background images. Hand picked. Not too large. Easy to read text…
