Nest thermostat savings?

I created a really brief survey that I hope those of you who own Nests will considering taking the minute or two to fill out (it’s only 5 simple questions). Lots of people report “massive” savings with their Nest thermostats. As prior owners of various programmable thermostats, and as someone who was careful about turning/up down the thermostat before owning a Nest, we really haven’t seen any difference in our heating/cooling bills since we bought our 3 thermostats in November 2011. It’s disappointing of course, but expected.

You’ll be able to see all of the results after you take the survey.


Nest Thermostat Wifi Connectivity Issues?

I’ve been seeing more Wifi issues recently with my Nest thermostats. I don’t see a pattern to the problem, and it seems to randomly affect all of them (sometimes at the same time, but often just one).


I’ve got a supported Wifi router (Apple Airport Express), and it’s within reasonable range to all of the thermostats in our house (no more than 20 foot from any thermostat). While it’s unfortunately overlapping with a similar band/frequency in our house, the router is dedicated to only the Thermostats right now (a unique SSID).

It doesn’t have any settings that seem necessary to change:



Any ideas?

Added Away/Home to unofficial-nest-api

I just finished adding a new simple feature to control the away status for a structure to my unofficial-nest-api published on GitHub and available as a node package (npm).

Usage is simple as calling setAway or setHome on the nest instance after authentication and a successful status has been returned (see commented calls below).

if (username && password) {
username = trimQuotes(username);
password = trimQuotes(password);
nest.login(username, password, function (data) {
if (!data) {
console.log(‘Login failed.’);
console.log(‘Logged in.’);
nest.fetchStatus(function (data) {
for (var deviceId in data.device) {
if (data.device.hasOwnProperty(deviceId)) {
var device = data.shared[deviceId];
console.log(util.format("%s [%s], Current temperature = %d F target=%d",, deviceId,

Nest Thermostat API using Node JS and Nest API Update

I’ve been asked by a few people for more details on the API Nest Labs uses for their thermostats, especially regarding setting data (and not just polling).

The API uses mostly JSON formatted data POSTed to their web servers.


To authenticate, POST the username and password, encoded as form url-encoded:

Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
Accept-Language: en-us
Content-Length: {Length}
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: Nest/ (iOS) os=6.0 platform=iPad3,1


Adjust the email and password, and the content length to fit. You may need to remove the Accept-Encoding header value if your client cannot accept gzip or deflated responses.

The server responds with a healthy set of basic information (in JSON format):

    "is_superuser": false,
    "is_staff": false,
    "urls": {
        "transport_url": "https://{subdomain}",
        "rubyapi_url": "",
        "weather_url": "",
        "support_url": ""
    "limits": {
        "thermostats_per_structure": 10,
        "structures": 2,
        "thermostats": 10
    "access_token": "GIANT TOKEN STRING==",
    "userid": "1234",
    "expires_in": "Wed, 07-Oct-2012 12:08:00 GMT",
    "email": "",
    "user": "user.1234"

There are a few things you’ll need from the response:

  • transport_url : this is the address for all of the later request that are made. I’d speculate it’s just a specific server in a server farm (likely with server affinity/session)
  • access_token : this is the key for all later requests and grants access to the API
  • userid/user : a unique user ID
  • expires_in : this is the timestamp for when the access token expires

I’m not sure why the “limits” are being sent back to the client.

You can obtain the service URLs at any time:

Authorization: Basic GIANT TOKEN STRING==
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 0
Accept-Language: en-us
Connection: keep-alive
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: Nest/ (iOS) os=6.0 platform=iPad3,1

Just insert an Authorization header with the access_token value.

The response:

{ "urls": { "transport_url": "https://{subdomain}", "rubyapi_url": "", "weather_url": "", "support_url": "" }, "limits": { "thermostats_per_structure": 10, "structures": 2, "thermostats": 10 } }

Nest labs has a special URL at to access the weather.

One of the first requests you might want to send is to get a complete picture of the system:

GET https://{subdomain} HTTP/1.1
Host: {subdomain}
Authorization: Basic GIANT TOKEN STRING==
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-us
Connection: keep-alive
X-nl-protocol-version: 1
X-nl-user-id: #USERID#
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: Nest/ (iOS) os=6.0 platform=iPad3,1

You’ll make the request to the transport_url and make sure that the Host, Authorization, and X-nl-user-id header values are set appropriately. The Url now must include though:

  • version
  • mobile
  • and the full user id (like user.1234)

So, it will look something like: /v2/mobile/user.1234

It will respond with the mother-load of all JSON payloads. I’ve trimmed the response for my house as I have three thermostats. But the pattern repeats exactly, so it’s easy to extrapolate how the pattern works:

{ "metadata": { "SERIALNUM1": { "$version": -1262653277, "$timestamp": 1349697004000, "last_connection": 1349697004683, "last_ip": "LAST.IP.ADDRESS" }, "SERIALNUM2": { "$version": -1868790132, "$timestamp": 1349696678000, "last_connection": 1349696678701, "last_ip": "LAST.IP.ADDRESS" }, "SERIALNUM3": { "$version": -1581663504, "$timestamp": 1349696680000, "last_connection": 1349696680647, "last_ip": "LAST.IP.ADDRESS" } }, "track": { "SERIALNUM2": { "$version": 1065037529, "$timestamp": 1349696725390, "online": true, "last_connection": 1349696725390, "last_ip": "LAST.IP.ADDRESS" }, "SERIALNUM3": { "$version": 981680556, "$timestamp": 1349696726266, "online": true, "last_connection": 1349696726266, "last_ip": "LAST.IP.ADDRESS" }, "SERIALNUM1": { "$version": 1421919505, "$timestamp": 1349697004728, "online": true, "last_connection": 1349697004728, "last_ip": "LAST.IP.ADDRESS" } }, "user_settings": { "#USERID#": { "$version": 370836640, "$timestamp": 1337481029003, "email_verified": true, "tos_accepted_version": 1319500800000, "receive_marketing_emails": true, "receive_nest_emails": true, "receive_support_emails": true, "max_structures": 2, "max_thermostats": 10, "max_thermostats_per_structure": 10, "tos_minimum_version": 1319500800000, "tos_current_version": 1319500800000, "lang": "en_US" } }, "structure": { "#STRUCTURE-UUID#": { "$version": 1797929878, "$timestamp": 1349689810000, "location": "Mount Horeb, WI", "renovation_date": "2000", "country_code": "US", "away_timestamp": 1349302501, "away": false, "house_type": "family", "name": "Home", "postal_code": "#POSTALCODE#", "creation_time": 1324159145719, "num_thermostats": "3", "devices": ["device.SERIALNUM3", "device.SERIALNUM1", "device.SERIALNUM2"], "user": "user.#USERID#", "away_setter": 1 } }, "link": { "SERIALNUM3": { "$version": 2122853931, "$timestamp": 1327246591000, "structure": "structure.#STRUCTURE-UUID#" }, "SERIALNUM2": { "$version": -1703839727, "$timestamp": 1324159215000, "structure": "structure.#STRUCTURE-UUID#" }, "SERIALNUM1": { "$version": -459415854, "$timestamp": 1325967612000, "structure": "structure.#STRUCTURE-UUID#" } }, "device": { "SERIALNUM1": { "$version": -81037153, "$timestamp": 1349696605000, "heatpump_setback_active": false, "emer_heat_enable": false, "local_ip": "LOCAL.IP.ADDRESS", "switch_system_off": false, "away_temperature_high": 27.778, "temperature_lock_high_temp": 22.222, "cooling_source": "electric", "leaf_threshold_cool": 0.0, "fan_cooling_state": false, "note_codes": [], "heater_source": "gas", "compressor_lockout_leaf": -17.8, "has_x3_heat": false, "target_humidity_enabled": false, "heat_x3_source": "gas", "alt_heat_delivery": "forced-air", "fan_mode": "auto", "has_x2_heat": false, "rssi": 67.0, "emer_heat_delivery": "forced-air", "heatpump_savings": "off", "pin_y2_description": "none", "filter_reminder_enabled": false, "capability_level": 3.0, "schedule_learning_reset": false, "has_x2_cool": false, "hvac_pins": "W1,Y1,C,Rc,G", "ob_orientation": "O", "range_enable": true, "auto_away_enable": true, "dual_fuel_breakpoint_override": "none", "lower_safety_temp_enabled": true, "has_fan": true, "dehumidifier_state": false, "range_mode": false, "nlclient_state": "", "emer_heat_source": "electric", "heatpump_ready": false, "available_locales": "en_US,fr_CA,es_US", "current_version": "3.0.1", "learning_state": "slow", "pin_ob_description": "none", "pin_rh_description": "none", "has_alt_heat": false, "pin_y1_description": "cool", "humidifier_state": false, "backplate_serial_number": "#BACKPLATE-SERIALNUMBER1#", "has_x2_alt_heat": false, "heat_x3_delivery": "forced-air", "leaf_threshold_heat": 19.336, "has_emer_heat": false, "learning_mode": true, "leaf_learning": "ready", "has_aux_heat": false, "aux_heat_source": "electric", "backplate_bsl_info": "BSL", "alt_heat_x2_source": "gas", "pin_c_description": "power", "humidifier_type": "unknown", "pin_w2aux_description": "none", "country_code": "US", "target_humidity": 35.0, "heat_x2_delivery": "forced-air", "lower_safety_temp": 4.444, "cooling_x2_source": "electric", "equipment_type": "gas", "heat_pump_aux_threshold": 10.0, "alt_heat_x2_delivery": "forced-air", "heat_pump_comp_threshold": -31.5, "learning_days_completed_cool": 116, "backplate_bsl_version": "1.1", "current_schedule_mode": "HEAT", "hvac_wires": "Heat,Cool,Fan,Common Wire,Rc", "leaf": false, "type": "TBD", "pin_g_description": "fan", "switch_preconditioning_control": false, "click_sound": "on", "aux_heat_delivery": "forced-air", "away_temperature_low_enabled": true, "heat_pump_comp_threshold_enabled": false, "preconditioning_ready": true, "has_dehumidifier": false, "fan_cooling_enabled": true, "leaf_away_high": 28.88, "fan_cooling_readiness": "ready", "device_locale": "en_US", "temperature_scale": "F", "error_code": "", "preconditioning_active": false, "battery_level": 3.93, "away_temperature_high_enabled": true, "learning_days_completed_heat": 149, "pin_star_description": "none", "upper_safety_temp_enabled": false, "preconditioning_enabled": true, "current_humidity": 45, "dual_fuel_breakpoint": -1.0, "postal_code": "#POSTALCODE#", "backplate_mono_version": "4.0.5", "alt_heat_source": "gas", "aux_lockout_leaf": 10.0, "has_heat_pump": false, "heater_delivery": "forced-air", "auto_away_reset": false, "away_temperature_low": 14.444, "radiant_control_enabled": false, "temperature_lock": false, "upper_safety_temp": 35.0, "time_to_target_training": "ready", "dehumidifier_type": "unknown", "target_time_confidence": 1.0, "temperature_lock_low_temp": 20.0, "pin_w1_description": "heat", "forced_air": true, "temperature_lock_pin_hash": "", "leaf_type": 1, "backplate_mono_info": "TFE (BP_DVT) 4.0.5 (root@bamboo) 2012-09-18 18:18:23", "has_dual_fuel": false, "learning_time": 2113, "creation_time": 1325966794212, "has_humidifier": false, "learning_days_completed_range": 0, "leaf_schedule_delta": 1.11, "user_brightness": "auto", "leaf_away_low": 13.92, "pin_rc_description": "power", "serial_number": "SERIALNUM1", "mac_address": "18b43004f391", "heat_x2_source": "gas", "time_to_target": 0, "backplate_model": "Backplate-1.9", "model_version": "Diamond-1.10", "heat_pump_aux_threshold_enabled": true }, "SERIALNUM3": { "$version": 2134103145, "$timestamp": 1349695665000, /* same as previous */ "backplate_model": "Backplate-1.9", "model_version": "Diamond-1.10", "heat_pump_aux_threshold_enabled": true }, "SERIALNUM2": { "$version": -1340728480, "$timestamp": 1349692217000, /* same as previous */ "backplate_model": "Backplate-1.9", "model_version": "Diamond-1.10", "heat_pump_aux_threshold_enabled": true } }, "schedule": { "SERIALNUM3": { "$version": -1130522241, "$timestamp": 1349692663000, "days": { "3": { "3": { "time": 74700, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 20.0, "type": "HEAT" }, "2": { "time": 23400, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" }, "1": { "time": 19800, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 17.222, "type": "HEAT" }, "0": { "touched_by": 1, "time": 0, "touched_tzo": -18000, "entry_type": "continuation", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT", "touched_at": 1349285499 }, "4": { "time": 78300, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" } }, "2": { "3": { "time": 74700, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 20.0, "type": "HEAT" }, "2": { "time": 23400, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" }, "1": { "time": 19800, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 17.222, "type": "HEAT" }, "0": { "touched_by": 1, "time": 0, "touched_tzo": -18000, "entry_type": "continuation", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT", "touched_at": 1349285499 }, "4": { "time": 78300, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" } }, "1": { "3": { "time": 74700, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 20.0, "type": "HEAT" }, "2": { "time": 23400, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" }, "1": { "time": 19800, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 17.222, "type": "HEAT" }, "0": { "touched_by": 1, "time": 0, "touched_tzo": -18000, "entry_type": "continuation", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT", "touched_at": 1349285499 }, "4": { "time": 78300, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" } }, "0": { "3": { "time": 74700, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 20.0, "type": "HEAT" }, "2": { "time": 23400, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" }, "1": { "time": 19800, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 17.222, "type": "HEAT" }, "0": { "touched_by": 1, "time": 0, "touched_tzo": -18000, "entry_type": "continuation", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT", "touched_at": 1349285499 }, "4": { "time": 78300, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" } }, "6": { "3": { "time": 67500, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 18.333, "type": "HEAT" }, "2": { "time": 28800, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" }, "1": { "time": 24300, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 17.222, "type": "HEAT" }, "0": { "touched_by": 1, "time": 0, "touched_tzo": -18000, "entry_type": "continuation", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT", "touched_at": 1349285499 }, "4": { "time": 75600, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" } }, "5": { "3": { "time": 67500, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 18.333, "type": "HEAT" }, "2": { "time": 28800, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" }, "1": { "time": 24300, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 17.222, "type": "HEAT" }, "0": { "touched_by": 1, "time": 0, "touched_tzo": -18000, "entry_type": "continuation", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT", "touched_at": 1349285499 }, "4": { "time": 75600, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" } }, "4": { "3": { "time": 74700, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 20.0, "type": "HEAT" }, "2": { "time": 23400, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" }, "1": { "time": 19800, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 17.222, "type": "HEAT" }, "0": { "touched_by": 1, "time": 0, "touched_tzo": -18000, "entry_type": "continuation", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT", "touched_at": 1349285499 }, "4": { "time": 78300, "entry_type": "setpoint", "temp": 14.444, "type": "HEAT" } } }, "schedule_mode": "HEAT", "name": "Basement Current Schedule", "ver": 2 }, "SERIALNUM2": { "$version": -462155699, "$timestamp": 1349674697000, "days": { /* SAME AS ABOVE */ } }, "schedule_mode": "HEAT", "name": "Second Floor Current Schedule", "ver": 2 }, "SERIALNUM1": { "$version": 2014520777, "$timestamp": 1349695806000, "days": { /* SAME AS ABOVE */ } }, "schedule_mode": "HEAT", "name": "First Floor Current Schedule", "ver": 2 } }, "shared": { "SERIALNUM3": { "$version": -493517056, "$timestamp": 1349696367000, "auto_away": 0, "auto_away_learning": "training", "hvac_heat_x3_state": false, "hvac_alt_heat_state": false, "compressor_lockout_enabled": false, "target_temperature_type": "heat", "hvac_heater_state": false, "hvac_emer_heat_state": false, "can_heat": true, "compressor_lockout_timeout": 0, "hvac_cool_x2_state": false, "target_temperature_high": 24.0, "hvac_aux_heater_state": false, "hvac_heat_x2_state": false, "target_temperature_low": 20.0, "target_temperature": 14.444, "hvac_ac_state": false, "hvac_fan_state": false, "target_change_pending": false, "name": "Basement", "current_temperature": 18.11, "hvac_alt_heat_x2_state": false, "can_cool": true }, "SERIALNUM1": { "$version": -1432433268, "$timestamp": 1349696363000 /* SAME AS ABOVE */ }, "SERIALNUM2": { "$version": 2060664119, "$timestamp": 1349696709000 /* SAME AS ABOVE */ } }, "user_alert_dialog": { "#USERID#": { "$version": -1852987123, "$timestamp": 1327246591000, "dialog_data": "", "dialog_id": "confirm-pairing" } }, "user": { "#USERID#": { "$version": 209478897, "$timestamp": 1324159145000, "name": "EMAILADDRESS", "structures": ["structure.#STRUCTURE-UUID#"] } } }

Setting a Temperature

Changing a thermostat’s current set point is easy.

You’ll need the Serial Number (shown as SERIALNUM1 in the JSON above) of the thermostat.

Accept-Language: en-us
User-Agent: Nest/ (iOS) os=6.0 platform=iPad3,1
X-nl-base-version: 2060664119
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json
X-nl-protocol-version: 1
X-nl-user-id: 7236
X-nl-session-id: ios-7236-371385438.528577
Connection: keep-alive
X-nl-merge-payload: true
Authorization: Basic GIANT TOKEN STRING==
Content-Length: 60
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate


Set the temperature in Celsius.

There’s also a polling subscription that happens. It’s extremely chatty and from the amount of polling it does, you’d think that the UI was doing live graphing of micro-temperature changes.

Essentially, the polling sends a series of keys, with timestamps, representing the various types of data being requested.

It looks something like this:

{ "keys": [{ "key": "user.#USERID#", "version": 209478897, "timestamp": 1324159145000 }, { "key": "user_settings.#USERID#", "version": 370836640, "timestamp": 1337481029003 }, { "key": "user_alert_dialog.#USERID#", "version": -1852987123, "timestamp": 1327246591000 }, { 

It repeats for sections such as “shared”, “message”, “device”, “track”, and more. For my purposes, shared is the winner as it contains the current temperature.


Node API

I decided to write a new demonstration application and polish it up a bit, this time using Node.

I’m not going to document the API that I created here (not right now), but here’s a sample of how it can be used:

var username = process.argv[2];
var password = process.argv[3];

if (username && password) {
    username = trimQuotes(username);
    password = trimQuotes(password);
    nest.login(username, password, function (data) {
        if (!data) {
            console.log('Login failed.');
        console.log('Logged in.');
        nest.fetchStatus(function (data) {
            for (var deviceId in data.device) {
                if (data.device.hasOwnProperty(deviceId)) {
                    var device = data.shared[deviceId];

                    console.log(util.format("%s [%s], Current temperature = %d F target=%d",
              , deviceId,

function subscribe() {

function subscribeDone(deviceId, data) {
    if (deviceId) {
        console.log('Device: ' + deviceId)
    setTimeout(subscribe, 2000);

The example code runs forever. Smile

I’ve included two methods in the API, “get” and “post” which make it simple to call additional web services that I haven’t yet provided.

Find the code here:

Update: there’s a npm as well now (Dec 20, 2012)