Spinning SVG Animation

Interested in learning a few capabilities of SVG animation this evening from JavaScript in a web page, I put together a simple demonstration.

Click on the image to launch the demo.


Animating SVG in a modern browser (including IE9) is generally easy enough. This example was slightly more interesting in that I wanted the thicker line to rotate based on the center point of the image, rather than the location of the line itself.

Not what I wanted:


Desired rotation:


The white bar would rotate around the center point (marked by the red arrow above).

I’ve included all of the code at the bottom of the post. (There’s quite a lot of path information).

The JavaScript just used an interval to move the line around the point:

(function () {
    window.onload = loaded;
    function loaded() {
        var colorTemp = document.getElementById("color-temp");
        var reading = document.getElementById('current-reading');
        var currentAngle = 0;
        var fill;

        var direction = 1;
        setInterval(function () {
            currentAngle += direction;
            if (currentAngle >= 120 || currentAngle <= -120) {
                direction *= -1;
            } else if (currentAngle === 0) {
                fill = direction === 1 ? "#BE1E2D" : "#10A2DC";
                colorTemp.setAttribute("fill", fill);
            // adjust the opacity
            colorTemp.setAttribute("opacity", Math.abs(currentAngle) / 120.0);

            reading.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + currentAngle + ")");

        }, 25);

The angle is fixed between 120 and –120 degrees. When the angle reaches zero, the fill color is toggled.

As the angle adjusts, the line is updated as well as the opacity of the fill.

The overall size of the SVG drawing is 600×600. Knowing that (and wanting the exact center), I translated a group to an offset of 300x, 300y containing the line:

<g id="temp-transform" transform="translate(300,300)">
        <line id="current-reading" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF"
              stroke-width="5" stroke-linecap="round"
              stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="0" y1="-180" x2="0" y2="-120"/>

This effectively made the rotation now work from the center, once the line coordinates were adjusted to reflect the new translation.

This works because the contents of the outer group caused the new starting point (origin) to be 300x, 300y rather than the default 0x, 0y. You can see the line is from y –120 to y –180. That’s because I wanted the line to start in the top middle (as the x is set to 0 for the line).

I used Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 to create the SVG image. Illustrator typically does not always handle fonts well when exporting as SVG. The final text node was this:

<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 254.1387 83.3198)" fill="#D1D3D4" font-family="'Arial'"
font-weight="bold" font-size="29.4616">thermo</text>

To make it work across browsers, I needed to modify the text node below slightly. Note the font name and missing bold attribute. It’s not a hard switch, but it’s annoying if you need to make changes to your SVG multiple times.

<text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 254.1387 83.3198)" fill="#D1D3D4" 
font-family="'Arial-BoldMT'" font-size="29.4616">thermo</text>

If you have any questions, please leave a comment!

    <title>Svg Spinner Demo</title>
        #demo1 svg {
            width: 300px;
            height: 300px;


<div id="demo1">
<svg version="1.0" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
     width="600px" height="600px" viewBox="0 0 600 600" enable-background="new 0 0 600 600" xml:space="preserve">
    <radialGradient id="SVGID_1_" cx="298.9106" cy="196.146" r="399.267" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
        <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#D9D9D9"/>
        <stop  offset="1" style="stop-color:#C2C2C2"/>
    <path fill="url(#SVGID_1_)" d="M300.646,595.41c-78.957,0-153.188-30.747-209.02-86.579C35.795,453,5.048,378.77,5.048,299.812
    <path fill="#808285" d="M300.646,6.214c39.637,0,78.086,7.762,114.281,23.071c34.961,14.787,66.359,35.957,93.324,62.922
        s58.364-48.135,93.325-62.922C222.559,13.976,261.009,6.214,300.646,6.214 M300.646,2.214
    <radialGradient id="SVGID_2_" cx="299.0464" cy="204.2632" r="368.0053" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
        <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#141414"/>
        <stop  offset="1" style="stop-color:#080808"/>
    <path fill="url(#SVGID_2_)" d="M300.646,572.266c-72.775,0-141.194-28.34-192.654-79.8c-51.459-51.46-79.8-119.879-79.8-192.654
    <path d="M300.646,29.358c36.512,0,71.931,7.15,105.271,21.252c32.205,13.622,61.129,33.123,85.968,57.962
    <radialGradient id="SVGID_3_" cx="299.5176" cy="232.4409" r="259.4771" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
        <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#212121"/>
        <stop  offset="1" style="stop-color:#0D0D0D"/>
    <path fill="url(#SVGID_3_)" d="M300.646,491.916c-105.927,0-192.104-86.178-192.104-192.104
    <path d="M300.646,109.708c25.666,0,50.561,5.026,73.996,14.938c22.638,9.575,42.968,23.283,60.429,40.743
        s37.791-31.168,60.428-40.743C250.084,114.733,274.98,109.708,300.646,109.708 M300.646,105.708
<g opacity="0.8">
    <path id="color-temp" fill="#BE1E2D" opacity="0" d="M300.646,489.309c-104.489,0-189.497-85.008-189.497-189.497c0-104.489,85.008-189.497,189.497-189.497
    <path d="M300.646,110.815c25.515,0,50.266,4.997,73.566,14.852c22.505,9.519,42.718,23.146,60.075,40.504
        s37.57-30.985,60.075-40.504C250.38,115.812,275.131,110.815,300.646,110.815 M300.646,109.815
<g id="temperature-markings">
        <line fill="none" stroke="#C7C8CA" stroke-width="5" stroke-miterlimit="10"
              x1="300.646" y1="123.751" x2="300.646" y2="161.603"/>
        <line fill="none" stroke="#C7C8CA" stroke-width="5" stroke-miterlimit="10"
              x1="422.102" y1="371.971" x2="454.881" y2="390.896"/>
        <line fill="none" stroke="#C7C8CA" stroke-width="5" stroke-miterlimit="10"
              x1="146.41" y1="390.896" x2="179.191" y2="371.97"/>
<g id="temp-transform" transform="translate(300,300)">
        <line id="current-reading" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF"
              stroke-width="5" stroke-linecap="round"
              stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="0" y1="-180" x2="0" y2="-120"/>
    <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 254.1387 83.3198)" fill="#D1D3D4" font-family="'Arial'"
          font-weight="bold" font-size="29.4616">thermo</text>


<script type="text/javascript">

    (function () {

        window.onload = loaded;

        function loaded() {
            var colorTemp = document.getElementById("color-temp");
            var reading = document.getElementById('current-reading');
            var currentAngle = 0;
            var fill;

            var direction = 1;
            setInterval(function () {
                currentAngle += direction;
                if (currentAngle >= 120 || currentAngle <= -120) {
                    direction *= -1;
                } else if (currentAngle === 0) {
                    fill = direction === 1 ? "#BE1E2D" : "#10A2DC";
                    colorTemp.setAttribute("fill", fill);
                // adjust the opacity
                colorTemp.setAttribute("opacity", Math.abs(currentAngle) / 120.0);

                reading.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + currentAngle + ")");

            }, 25);


JavaScript: isScrolledIntoView


I needed a simple way to detect when a placeholder DIV (that would contain an image) had scrolled into the current viewport of the browser. I’ve seen a few solutions that worked, and a few that didn’t (hello? test your code!). Here’s my simple solution:

function isScrolledIntoView(elem) {
    elem = $(elem);
    var win = $(window);
    var docViewTop = win.scrollTop();
    var docViewBottom = docViewTop + win.height();
    var elemTop = elem.offset().top;
    var elemBottom = elemTop + elem.height();

    var a = (elemTop > docViewBottom);
    if (a) { return false; }
    var b = (elemBottom > docViewTop);
    if (!b) { return false; }
    return !(a && b);

Nothing fancy, except it does require jQuery.

When one of the place holder DIVs scrolled into view, the code would trigger a queued load of the image.


As the SmugMug API is poorly designed in a few places, in particular as it relates to showing a thumbnail for a gallery/album, when an album/gallery is scrolled into view, the app loads a list of ALL of the images from the now visible album and selects one of them to show as the thumbnail. It’s extremely inefficient unfortunately. Instead, if they could have included that extra piece of data in the gallery list (thumbnail image and thumbnail image key), boom!

I’ve also included a delay so that the auto loading only occurs after a 1 second pause (either the window being resized or scrolling occurring):

function delayLoadNewVisible() {
    if (visibilityDelayTimerId == 0) {
        visibilityDelayTimerId = window.setTimeout(function () {
            visibilityDelayTimerId = 0;
        }, 1000);

I’m not going to post the code for the other useful aspect of this functionality, but I’ll tell you about it, and leave coding it as an exercise for the reader. Smile

When the user scrolls new albums into view, after the pause, they’re added to a load queue. However, as it’s just as likely that the user will scroll the album off the screen, my load code also can remove something from the load queue if it hasn’t been loaded already. This way, visible albums are given precedence. By using the queue in this way, there are a manageable number of outstanding requests at any given time, and ideally only those that are relevant to what’s on the user’s screen.

Knockout.JS: Dictionary/Index and ObservableArray, Part 2

Ryan suggested an alternative in a comment (and corresponding jsFiddle) to the technique that I’d used in my previous Knockout.JS post.

Following his suggestion, I made a few tweaks to my original function (and renamed it yet again):

ko.observableArray.fn.withIndex = function (keyName) {        
    var index = ko.computed(function () {
        var list = this() || [];    // the internal array
        var keys = {};              // a place for key/value
        ko.utils.arrayForEach(list, function (v) {
            if (keyName) {          // if there is a key
                keys[v[keyName]] = v;    // use it
            } else {
                keys[v] = v;
        return keys;
    }, this);

    // also add a handy add on function to find
    // by key ... uses a closure to access the 
    // index function created above
    this.findByKey = function (key) {
        return index()[key];

    return this;

To use, just tag on the withIndex function call:

var ViewModel = function () {
    this.uniqueNumber = 0;
    this.list = ko.observableArray([]).withIndex('id');

In the example above, the objects stored in the “list” observableArray will be indexed by the “id” property.

By adding the withIndex function call to the observableArray creation, an additional function is added to the array object, findByKey.

$("#btnAdd").on("click", function () {
    var id = vm.uniqueNumber++;
            id: id,
            time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString()});
    var data = vm.list.findByKey(id);

In the above example, a new “log” object is added to the list, and then retrieved by the key a moment later (dumb, yes, but hopefully instructive).

I intentionally added the findByKey only to array instances that include the indexing functionality added by withIndex. One reason was to not have the function be available for all arrays (as it doesn’t work for non-indexed arrays) and the second was that it makes possible a bit of slick JavaScript closure value hiding. This way, the index is never stored anywhere on the original view model. Instead, it’s kept entirely within the closure.

But there’s more!

What if you want to have multiple keys or don’t like the name of the find function?

Here’s the kicked up a notch version:

ko.observableArray.fn.withIndex = function (keyName, useName) {
    /// keyName == the name of the property used as the index
    ///            value.
    /// useName == when false, a function named findByKey 
    ///            is added to the observableArray.
    ///            when true, the function is named based
    ///            on the name of the index property &
    ///            capitalized (like id becomes findById)
    var index = ko.computed(function () {
        var list = this() || [];    // the internal array
        var keys = {};              // a place for key/value
        ko.utils.arrayForEach(list, function (v) {
            if (keyName) {          // if there is a key
                keys[v[keyName]] = v;    // use it
            } else {
                keys[v] = v;
        return keys;
    }, this);

    var fnName = "";
    if (useName && keyName) {
        var cap = keyName.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase();
        if (keyName.length > 1) {
            fnName = cap + keyName.substring(1);
        } else {
            fnName = cap;
    } else {
        fnName = "Key";

    var fnName = "findBy" + fnName;
    this[fnName] = function (key) {
        return index()[key];

    return this;

This optionally uses the name of the key parameter to build a findByXYZ function using the pattern of findBy{KeyName}. It also capitalizes the function name to follow typical JavaScript coding conventions. Here it is in when initialized:

this.list = ko.observableArray([])
                .withIndex('id', true)
                .withIndex('time', true);

(note that they’re chained above) … and in use:

var data = vm.list.findById(id);
data = vm.list.findByTime(time);

You’ll see how the “findBy” functions are named “findById” and “findByTime” as the original call to “withIndex” used the optional second parameter set to true. I suppose this follows a tiny bit of the automatic mix-in style of Ruby on Rails (but is optional).

Knockout.JS: AsDictionary

I frequently find that I have an array of objects in JavaScript that I want to display in a particular order and also have the ability to quickly locate an object by an ID or a key (and not use the indexOf function). As my recent project is using Knockout.JS, I decided to throw together a function that makes having keyed lookups based on an array simple to maintain.

Here’s an example ViewModel definition:

var ViewModel = function () {
    this.uniqueNumber = ko.observable();
    this.list = ko.observableArray([]);      
    this.list_by_keys = this.list.asDictionary('id');

The definition includes an array, a unique number (more on that a bit later), the list (to which the code will bind the UI to), and finally the keyed list.

After a few attempts at a good name, I settled for something that I hated the least. Smile In any case, usage is simple.

After creating the observable array:

this.list = ko.observableArray([]); 

The code creates a second field which will contain all of the objects in the original array, but in a quickly accessible index (thanks to the nature of JavaScript objects).

this.list_by_keys = this.list.asDictionary('id');

In the preceding line, the asDictionary function (which I’ve added to the observableArray definition as you’ll see below) is used and passed the string ‘id’. The ‘id’ is the name of the property of the JavaScript object that is later added to the list that will contain the key (the primary key, although it’s not checked for duplicates).

As you’ll note below, an instance of the ViewModel is created and bound to the UI.

var vm = new ViewModel();

$("#btnAdd").on("click", function () {
    var id = vm.uniqueNumber.inc()();
    vm.list.push({ id: id, 
                   time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() }); });

With a click of a button (using jQuery syntax), a new sample object containing an ‘id’ and ‘time’ property is added to the master list. When the new object is added, the asDictionary code is executed. Why? Because of the use of the computed function as shown below. Knockout.JS has computed observables which automatically track dependencies and execute any time that the source property changes. In this case, it’s tracking the “this” object, which just happens to be the observableArray (list).

ko.observableArray.fn.asDictionary = function (keyName) {
    return ko.computed(function () {
        var list = this() || [];    // the internal array
        var keys = {};              // a place for key/value
        ko.utils.arrayForEach(list, function (v) {
            if (keyName) {          // if there is a key
                keys[v[keyName]] = v;    // use it
            } else {
                keys[v] = v;
        return keys;
    }, this);

The function loops through each of the elements of the array and stores each object by the key (if provided, otherwise by the value).  Unfortunately, because there are many ways to adjust an array in JavaScript, this isn’t as efficient as I’d like. Every time something is added to the array, the entire “dictionary” is recreated. While this isn’t terrible in reasonable cases, it’s still a bit annoying. You could add a bit of code to disable the rebuilding conditionally though if performance is going to be a big concern.

I also was experimenting with a unique number generator. It’s really quite dumb, but I ‘m posting in nonetheless.

ko.observable.fn.inc = function (incExtra) {
    incExtra = incExtra || 1;            
    var current = this() || 0;
    current += incExtra;            
    return this;

ko.observable.fn.dec = function (decExtra) {
    return ko.observable.fn.inc(decExtra || -1);

To use it and retrieve the value, call it like this:

var id = vm.uniqueNumber.inc()();

imageThe odd syntax calls the inc (increment) function which returns the original object (in support of chaining). Then, to get the value, it calls the properties’ getter function (the second set of parentheses).  (As I said, it was just messing around).

The HTML for the data binding looked like this:

<div class="log" data-bind="foreach: list" >
    <div class="item">
        <span data-bind="text: id" class="id"></span>
        <span data-bind="text: time"></span>

EzData for Ember.js

Previous post: Entity reference

I’ve been extending my original post (above) in an effort to create a simple entity system using Ember.js (SproutCore 2.0). While it’s grown in sophistication, it is far from complete. Smile

The project is now located on GitHub.

This is the introduction, from the readme on GitHub.

EmberJS – EZData

EZData is a library intended to a simple way of accessing data from a relational database when using Ember.js. It will never try to be everything to everyone. :) Instead, it’s intended to be small, efficient, and easy to learn and use javascript library.

The basic functionality is that it’s designed to manipulate individual entities (or Records), not a complex object structure that is often stored as JavaScript objects. This mirrors what’s found in many web systems today in the data model.

Right now, the project is brand new and quite in flux.


Create types by calling Entity.define (instead of the typical Ember.Object.extend).

DemoApp.Person = Entity.define(Entity, "Person", {

    fullName:function () {
        return this.get('lastName') + ", " + this.get('firstName');
    }.property('firstName', 'lastName')

This will create a new Class internally by using Ember.extend but it also does some other magic (e.g., creating a data store for all entities of a given type). First and foremost, by calling define, it’s expected that you’re mirroring a relational data structure of some sort which may have foreign key relationships to other tables.

In the example above, the Person entity is expected to have the following columns in a database table:

  • id => Number (from the basic Entity type)
  • firstName => String
  • lastName => String
  • DOB => DOB

Each property is assigned the basic data type that it will contain. The data type is used for linking and serialization.


The second example is a Gift:

DemoApp.Gift = Entity.define(Entity, "Gift", {

The Gift class is more interesting as one of the properties links to another type/Class (Person). As a direct connection to a Person as an object instance isn’t possible in traditional relational tables, some automatic linking occurs by declaring this linkage.

The from property is mapped to a second, hidden property that is only used for the foreign key relationship. By default, the hidden property will be calledfromPersonId. This can be overridden by creating a custom naming function, replacing the default stored atEntity.Settings.FOREIGN_KEY_GENERATOR_FUNCTION.

By making the linkage between the two types in the way demonstrated above, the standard Ember.js handlebar templating engine (and automatic value updating) features just work (see from.fullName below).

{{#each gifts}}
        {{ name }}
        {{ excitement }}
        {{ from.fullName }}

The fullName property of Person is a computed property, and continues to work as expected.

Getting the Data

If you want to retrieve a list from one of the data stores (or data tables), it’s a simple as calling the live function for one of the stores.

In the example below, there are two live collections. The first returns all of the gifts, and the second only returns gifts that have a lowercase letter o in the name.

// create some "live" connections to the data store
DemoApp.mainController.set('gifts', Entity.Stores.get(DemoApp.Gift).live());
// create a live connection with a filter (returns true if it contains the letter 'o')
DemoApp.mainController.set('giftsFiltered', Entity.Stores.get(DemoApp.Gift).live(
    function () {
        return this.get('name').indexOf('o') > -1;

To get access to one of the automatically created data stores, call Entity.Stores.get({Class}) where {Class} is the type that was created using thedefine method.

Notes / Cautions

Right now, all entities are required to have a property called id and be of type Number.