Via Jon’s blog, “MSDN Low Bandwidth Bookmarklet.” There’s an experimental mode of MSDN that significantly reduces the page size for a typical MSDN entry.
You can try it here:
Notice the “(loband)” in the URL? That’s the secret. Jon created a bookmarklet which turns on and off the feature via a cookie.
I noticed that if I navigate to system.array in the low bandwidth mode, it takes about 1.5 seconds to load the page completely. When the normal page loads, it takes about 6 seconds on my 1.5Mb DSL connection.
I’d like to see a few different modes/options to speed up MSDN:
- Tree-less: I don’t use the tree feature much on the web, I could live without it usually. Opt-in please.
- “Chrome-less”. Just give me MSDN, without the tabs, logos, etc. I don’t use them. You can leave search though — that can be useful. (Although, Google often does a better job!)
- Load only my language selection (not all languages). I never use VB.NET for example.
- Delay load: inheritance, platforms, version, and see also sections.