Gears of War 2

imageMy wife enjoys playing most any type of game, including stupidly violent games that involve blood-spurting as a result of chain-sawing an enemy. We enjoyed Gears of War, so we’re looking forward to getting 2. Do you play games with your spouse/sig other/etc? We’re fond of cooperative games mostly, wishing that more were available for local (non-XBox Live) play.

Gears of War 2 is available November 7, 2008!

Off to PDC 2008 in Los Angeles ….

If there’s something interesting that is announced, that hasn’t already been posted to death, or that I’m particularly excited about, I’ll post it here.

Did you see that Microsoft announced a new .NET logo?


Supposedly it’s a “wave” that demonstrates the key values of .NET: consistency, robustness and great user experiences. Huh?

The old logo needed an update – but the characteristics they’re suggesting are conveyed … a bit of a stretch. My reaction: a blurry “N” or “we couldn’t actually decide and everything is a bit fuzzy, “.NET”. :) (That’s the .NET message I’m most familiar with!)

I can see the inspiration… (everything’s blue and they’re using the same basic font).
