Technical Interview Series

I’ve created nine technical interview questions so far as part of my ongoing series.

Just as a reminder, each question should be solvable in less than 30 minutes time (sometimes less). Some amount of coding is typically necessary to solve the problem (either actual code or pseudo-code), but occasionally, just a plan or discussion-style response is expected (although to date, they’ve all been coding questions).

Hope you’ve enjoyed the series so far. If you have any suggestions, send them my way!

Question #1

Question #2

Question #3

Question #4

Question #5

Question #6

Question #7

Question #8

Question #9

Technical Interview Question #9

Technical Interview Series

The distance between two points is …

Create a function which does the following…

Record the last 150 points (x, y) provided to the function (bonus points for allowing a configurable number of points).

Determine which of the previous points are less than a configured distance between the new point and the previous points.

There may be hundreds of new points in a second… Consider the impact of time and CPU impact for your solution.

(if your preferred programming language does not have a square root function, assume one exists.)

Windows Imaging Component and C#

Someone wrote me and asked a question about using the Windows Imaging Component in C#, trying to access the various IPTC, EXIF, and XMP metadata stored within a JPG. I pointed him at an older sample project with source code using the BitmapMetadata class. Using that component, you can get access to all of the metadata stored within a JPG. It doesn’t however, make it easy to necessarily understand the data — but it does give you access.