My Mix09 10K entry is now showing …

I entered the Mix09 10K programming contest this year.  The basic premise – code  any Silverlight or WPF click-once application and use less than 10K code/assets total. I struggled to get what I wanted in under 10K (I kept trimming/removing)! I had to change my idea several times to get it to fit into 10K. All my variables had one or two character names, I used var, lambda expressions, every messy-code-squashing trick I could think of to get it to fit!

I’d appreciate your vote here.



Backspace on a calculator?! No Way!

What a great idea! A back button on a calculator! I don’t use “real” world calculators much anymore, but seeing a back button made me wonder why it’s taken so long for a back button to be added! (OK, maybe they’ve been there for a while … and I haven’t noticed them.).


Announcement: SnugUp updated


I created a medium sized .NET WPF based application a while back which helps keep a series of folders with images synchronized to SmugMug with one click of a button. I just made a few fixes in the past couple of days and uploaded a new version.


  • Fixed error where the application would crash after completely scanning and uploading all files. This crash would cause it to do unnecessary scanning (and possibly uploading) the next time it was run.
  • Added support for GIF and PNG files (JPG files are still supported of course).
  • Increased timeout for uploads to 10 minutes. If an upload takes longer than 10 minutes, it will fail.
  • Improved special character handling. File names including characters such as "&" should now be handled properly.
  • Reworded a few of the settings to better explain their function.
  • Added an error display — if the application should have an unexpected problem, it should provide a way to grab the error (so that you can submit to the author).

Download it here.