Where’s the Ignore Option Apple?

You duped me once Apple by making me think I needed to update Safari on one of my Windows computers. But, I’m not going to make that mistake again. I don’t want your browser. I have two browsers installed already and that’s quite enough.


Even lowly Vista offers me an option to hide an update (just right click on the update and select Hide):


Please play nice Apple.

Either let me hide Safari as an option or minimally, don’t try to install new software without me explicitly agreeing.

Installing new software that is subject to security issues should always be an OPT-IN for consumers, don’t decide for them. You may have some fine products Apple, but don’t force them on me.

One Comment

  1. I think Microsoft, Google, Adobe(?) do the very same thing. Yet, nobody complains? Anyway, I think you’re absolutely right that something like that requires opt-in.

    I don’t have a Windows computer here right now, but I think I read that option is somewhere in the menubar of the auto updater.

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