Google Chrome … it’s here (for Windows)

Downloaded and installed … it’s fast (and one of the easiest installs I’ve seen for any application. Kudos to Google for bucking the trend of awful application installers).


The maximized mode is particularly clean — it doesn’t use a Windows title bar at all – so the first browser tab is the element in the upper left corner of the screen.

As described in the Chrome comic, it is using a process for every tab:


It would be nice if I could easily tell which browser tab was represented by each process (for memory analysis). I randomly killed one of the processes. When I clicked on the browser tabs, Chrome displayed this in the place of the tab’s content that I had killed:


(Aw, Snap! Something went wrong while displaying this webpage. To continue, press Reload or go to another page.)


Chrome is available for XP/Vista only for now and may be downloaded here.


Update: about:memory in the address bar of Chrome takes you to the “stats for nerds”:


Or you can right click on the task bar icon, select Task Manager, and click the “Stats for Nerds” link at the bottom of the dialog:
