An amazing (incredible!) Javascript achievement

From… another web-ized PowerPoint wannabe.


Definitely an impressive Javascript only application — broadband definitely recommended:


They’re using Amazon S3 for PowerPoint conversion (it’s funny that they have this feature, but they need it as users may not always have access to a reliable web connection when doing a presentation):


The developers have written a layer which abstracts browser rendering into a unified language, Objective J. For former Apple employees, it’s providing an Objective C like layer for Javascript (source here). The abstraction layer is useful — but at what cost for a new language layer on top of Javascript? There’s a lot more detail here in an interview/podcast.

Objective-J is the language that takes JavaScript and makes it Objective (as Obj-C did to C). Lots of square brackets. When the browser gets served .j files, it preprocesses them on the fly. This means that you can do things like, use standard JavaScript in places.

Cappuccino is the port of the Cocoa framework.

The market is becoming saturated with these products. Are you willing to pay? What if there are ads? Will you use it? For me – they’re fun to use — but if I’ve got PowerPoint installed, I’m going with that option. I might consider a service if they provide a reliable import.

(via Download squad)