Automatic Reconnection of iSCSI Targets in Windows 10 using PowerShell

When my highly recommended Synology Disk Station reboots for a required update (I’ve got it set to automatically reboot), a shared Windows 10 PC in our house cannot always successfully reconnect to the iSCSI targets without manual intervention. Unfortunately, I haven’t always noticed which has led to several features of Windows not functioning the way I want (I have mapped the iSCSI drives/disks via Windows and made them into network shares for the other PCs/laptops in our house — this way I can use Windows bitlocker encryption on the iSCSI drive contents).

To make the connection more automatic, I created a simple one line PowerShell script that periodically attempts to connect to any disconnected iSCSI targets using the Windows Task Scheduler.

I saved this into a script file called reconnect-iscsi-targets.ps1:

Get-IscsiTarget | where ($_.isConnected -eq $false) | Connect-IscsiTarget

Then, in the Task Scheduler, I created a new task set to run every 10 minutes daily. The script just gets all iSCSI targets, filters only those that aren’t connected, and then passes the results to the connection cmdlet.

For the action, I selected “Start a program” for program/script, I entered: “powershell.exe”, and then added the arguments “-File” and the full path to the file name, like:

-File c:\Users\aaron\Documents\reconnect-iscsi-targets.ps1

If there are spaces in the path to the PowerShell file, be sure to add quotes around the full path and file name.

You shouldn’t need the start in option set (leave it empty if you’d like).

On the General tab of the task, make sure you’ve set the “Run whether user is logged on or not” option and “Run with highest privileges.”

Next up — how to quickly create a Self-Signed Code-Signing certificate. And, how to actually allow scripts to run!

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