Free Adobe DNG Viewer For Windows … soon

Adobe claims they are finally going to release a DNG file viewer for Windows. I’ve been itching to try that format as a replacement for the NEF files that are produced by my Nikon … but I and my wife still use Windows Live Photo Gallery, which doesn’t have a freely available DNG viewer. (Very very lame Adobe… push a format that doesn’t even have a thumbnail viewer for XP or Vista).

On a side note, if you’re a Windows user and itching to set GPS coordinates into your photos (and ideally have a GPS with tracking data), check out the Microsoft Pro Photo Tools version 1 here. It’s a bit rough around the edges, but functional.



I don’t understand why it was written using Windows Forms (as it was claimed it was just recently written from scratch in less than 100 days). Why not WPF?

Warning though — it’s not 64 bit compatible yet. That may have something to do with the plug-ins from camera vendors not being 64 bit ready.  I can’t for example find a 64 bit viewer for NEF files from Nikon … here’s the 32 bit version — I don’t see a 64 bit download.

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