Nest Thermostat API/Protocol

While Nest Labs hasn’t released a formal (documented & supported) API, I thought I’d do a bit of digging to see how they’re using the network and what might be achievable.

A few things are going on, the majority as you’d probably expect.

The web interface is using a long polling technique apparently to watch for updates to the schedule, temperature, etc.


I haven’t determined what the frequency is though, or the wait time. It’s very inconsistent, even when I wouldn’t expect much new “live” data to be available on the network, it frequently updates and polls again.

There are a few constants set in the HOME page script:

C.ABSENT_USER_THRESHOLD     = +('300') || 0;  // seconds
C.DEAD_DEVICE_THRESHOLD     = +('300') || 0;  // seconds
C.pollingInterval           = +('2500') || 0;       // ms
C.WEATHER_POLLING_INTERVAL  = +('120000') || 0; // ms


If the C.pollingInterval value were for the subscribe endpoint mentioned above, I’d see a LOT more calls than I do – so I’m still not clear how the polling interval is decided.

The API calls, for the most part are using JSONP syntax over an HTTPS connection.

The most frequent request is to “subscribe.” It sends as part of the GET request a large block of encoded JSON (using encodeURIComponent and then JSON.stringify).

I’m not familiar with the key/value system that they’re using (it may just be something they’ve constructed in-house – although given the number of open source JavaScript libraries they’re using, I thought someone might recognize it):

key”, “{actualkey}.{value}”

I don’t understand why they’ve redundantly specified “key” in a list of keys when it’s evident that the actual key is contained within the value as a delimited string. It’s more data to send and more data to parse this way. So, again, maybe it’s based on some DB or model system I’m not familiar with. (Anyone recognize it?)

I’ve substituted the actual values (as they are serial numbers of my devices) with text representations of what the value represented below:

    {"key":"device.#DEVICE 1 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"shared.#DEVICE 1 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"schedule.#DEVICE 1 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"track.#DEVICE 1 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"device.#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"shared.#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"schedule.#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"track.#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"device.#DEVICE 3 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"shared.#DEVICE 3 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"schedule.#DEVICE 3 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    {"key":"track.#DEVICE 3 SERIAL NUMBER#",

We’ve got three thermostats, so there are always three sets of subscription requests for each call to subscribe.

Using my iPad, I adjusted the set point for our second story (#DEVICE 2#) down one degree Fahrenheit (to 67°).

Within approximately a second, the most recent pending subscribe request returned with a far more interesting payload:

    { "status": 200,
        "headers": {
            "X-nl-skv-key": "shared.#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#",
            "X-nl-skv-version": 869022424,
            "X-nl-skv-timestamp": 1326038279000,
            "X-nl-service-timestamp": 1326038279825
        "payload": {
            "current_temperature": 19.98,
            "hvac_fan_state": false,
            "name": "TWO", "hvac_heat_x2_state": false,
            "hvac_ac_state": false,
            "can_cool": true,
            "auto_away": 0,
            "compressor_lockout_enabled": false,
            "target_temperature_low": 16.66667,
            "target_temperature_high": 26.66667,
            "compressor_lockout_timeout": 0,
            "hvac_heater_state": false,
            "hvac_aux_heater_state": false,
            "target_temperature": 19.44444,
            "can_heat": true,
            "target_temperature_type": "heat",
            "target_change_pending": true

Everything above is needed to update the current state of the UI. As you can see, the current temperature (returned as Celsius apparently) is 19.98 (67.964°F). The current temperature as displayed on the thermostat and the web UI was 68.

Seeing these return values makes me think that they may be using Ruby and Rails (as the naming convention tends to follow Rails naming using underscores between words). I know for example, I wouldn’t name variables/columns that way when building a C#/JavaScript MVC project.

Rather than just a delta payload of what’s changed, they’ve currently opted for a full update of all information related to the thermostat state.

Several seconds later, a much larger payload was returned to a subscribe request:

"status": 200,
"headers": {
    "X-nl-skv-key": "device.#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    "X-nl-skv-version": -2086438581,
    "X-nl-skv-timestamp": 1326038378000,
    "X-nl-service-timestamp": 1326038379023
"payload": {
    "ob_orientation": "O",
    "upper_safety_temp": 1000.0,
    "forced_air": true,
    "creation_time": 1324142042019,
    "switch_preconditioning_control": false,
    "click_sound": "on",
    "leaf": false, "user_brightness": "auto",
    "learning_state": "steady",
    "heat_pump_comp_threshold": -1000.0,
    "local_ip": "",
    "backplate_serial_number": "#SHOULD BE DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER, BUT ISN'T?#",
    "capability_level": 1.03,
    "postal_code": "#POSTALCODE#",
    "upper_safety_temp_enabled": false,
    "heat_pump_aux_threshold": 10.0,
    "lower_safety_temp_enabled": true,
    "serial_number": "#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#",
    "temperature_lock": false,
    "learning_time": 1002,
    "current_version": "1.0.4",
    "model_version": "Diamond-1.10",
    "backplate_bsl_info": "BSL",
    "auto_away_enable": true,
    "heat_pump_comp_threshold_enabled": false,
    "fan_mode": "auto",
    "range_enable": false,
    "temperature_scale": "F",
    "backplate_mono_info": "TFE (BP_DVT) 3.5.2 (ehs@ubuntu) 2011-11-05 12:00:00",
    "backplate_bsl_version": "1.1",
    "equipment_type": "gas",
    "range_mode": false,
    "lower_safety_temp": 7.0,
    "has_fan": true,
    "hvac_wires": "Heat,Cool,Fan,Common Wire,Rc",
    "learning_mode": true,
    "away_temperature_high": 32.0,
    "switch_system_off": false,
    "time_to_target": 1326039444,
    "away_temperature_low": 14.444444444444445,
    "current_humidity": 45,
    "mac_address": "#MACADDR#",
    "backplate_mono_version": "3.5.2",
    "has_aux_heat": false,
    "type": "TBD",
    "hvac_pins": "W1,Y1,C,Rc,G",
    "has_heat_pump": false,
    "heat_pump_aux_threshold_enabled": true,
    "battery_level": 3.945,
    "target_time_confidence": 1.0


A few things to note:

  • Upper_safety_temperature is just a bit beyond my comfort zone at 1832°F. I don’t know why it’s sending a value like that to the client, and why it’s stupidly high.
  • The backplate serial number doesn’t match with the thermostat according to the payload response. I don’t know why this might be as I confirmed that the numbers matched through visual inspection of the device just now.
  • The majority of these details are exposed in one way or another in the details area of the web UI.
  • Time to target (payload.time_to_target) is unusual in that it’s a JavaScript Date value, divided by 1000. So, in the example above, the time to target is: new Date(1326039444 * 1000).toString() = >”Sun Jan 08 2012 10:17:24 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)”Next, a payload is returned with the new status:
    "status": 200,
    "headers": {
        "X-nl-skv-key": "shared.#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#",
        "X-nl-skv-version": 1689916148,
        "X-nl-skv-timestamp": 1326038378000,
        "X-nl-service-timestamp": 1326038379151
    "payload": {
        "hvac_fan_state": false,
        "name": "TWO",
        "hvac_heat_x2_state": false,
        "hvac_ac_state": false,
        "can_cool": true,
        "auto_away": 0,
        "compressor_lockout_enabled": false,
        "target_temperature_low": 16.66667,
        "current_temperature": 19.53,
        "target_temperature_high": 26.66667,
        "compressor_lockout_timeout": 0,
        "target_change_pending": false,
        "hvac_aux_heater_state": false,
        "target_temperature": 20.55556,
        "can_heat": true,
        "target_temperature_type": "heat",
        "hvac_heater_state": true


    Here, the hvac_heater_state is set to true. The furnace is on.

    A little while later, that value is set to false.

    Occasionally, the payload includes the complete schedule for the thermostat. I’m not going to reproduce the entire payload here as it’s too large, and quite boring. Here’s a snippet of what it returns:

    "schedule": {
        "#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#": {
            "$version": 1187107985,
            "$timestamp": 1326005677000,
            "name": "One Current Schedule",
            "days": {
                "0": {
                    "0": {
                        "type": "HEAT",
                        "temp": 14.445,
                        "time": 0,
                        "entry_type": "continuation"
                    "1": {
                        "type": "HEAT",
                        "temp": 14.445,
                        "time": 27900,
                        "entry_type": "setpoint"
                    "2": {
                        "type": "HEAT",
                        "temp": 20.556,
                        "time": 63000,
                        "entry_type": "setpoint"
                    "3": {
                        "type": "HEAT",
                        "temp": 14.445,
                        "time": 70200,
                        "entry_type": "setpoint"
                "1": {
                    "0": {
                        "type": "HEAT",
                        "temp": 14.445,
                        "time": 0,
                        "entry_type": "continuation"
                    "1": {
                        "type": "HEAT",
                        "temp": 18.889,
                        "time": 20700,
                        "entry_type": "setpoint"


    It’s a basic table structure. The first set point of the day is at 0, and is a “continuation.” These don’t show up in the UI.

    Here’s what the day 1 looks like on the Nest thermostat UI:


    When changing a temperature setpoint, I’m a bit disappointed to see that the entire schedule is sent with every request apparently. I just wouldn’t have expected that given that the more setpoints that there are, the bigger the payload must be. The UI is often sluggish when rapidly making adjustments in the schedule, and this could be one of the factors.

    In the example below (which I’ve snipped most of the payload sent again as a JSONP request), I’ve set the first set point to 57F.

        "payload": {
            "days": {
                "0": {
                    "0": {
                        "type": "HEAT",
                        "temp": 14.685,
                        "time": 0,
                        "entry_type": "continuation"
                    "1": {
                        "type": "HEAT",
                        "temp": 15.000444444444444,
                        "time": 24300,
                        "entry_type": "setpoint"

    For the JSONP requests sent as “MAKE CHANGE” (easily could have been PUT), they each contained the following attributes as shown below. All JSONP requests are apparently routed on the web server using “headers” rather than a RESTful URL based system:

        "headers": {
            "X-nl-client-timestamp": 1326041210566,
            "X-nl-session-id": "#SESSION ID#",
            "X-nl-protocol-version": 1,
            "Authorization": "Basic #BASIC AUTH#"
        "path": "/v1/put/schedule.#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#",
        "redir": "",
        "jsonp": "4_"

    It’s RESTful in spirit as there is a route (“path”), but it’s managed by some internal routing engine. (Now, I think that they’re not using Ruby and Rails).

    For something simple, like changing the current temperature of a thermostat, the request is thankfully simple:

        "payload": {
            "shared": {
                "#DEVICE 2 SERIAL NUMBER#": {
                    "target_temperature": 18.333333333333336
        "headers": {
            "X-nl-client-timestamp": 1326041744556,
            "X-nl-session-id": "#SESSION ID#",
            "X-nl-protocol-version": 1,
            "Authorization": "Basic #BASIC AUTH#"
        "path": "/v1/put",
        "redir": "",
        "jsonp": "14_"

    While, I haven’t taken the time to try to write a custom UI for this undocumented API yet, it looks like it should be relatively easy to do, especially as it relates to the schedule and current temperature settings. I know there’s been some Siri proxy stuff that’s been written – but I don’t have any interest in trying to get that to work.

    As with most APIs like this, the trick is often getting authorization correct. For Nest, it appears that making a POST request to with username and password as form data, that the server responds with 2 cookies:

    1. sessionid == used in X-nl-session-id in headers
    2. cztoken == used as the Authorization in headers (prepended with the text “Basic “

    FYI: I also have a Node version of the API that is more up to date than this.


  1. Wow! Nice details on the web protocol stuff!

    One minor point regarding the base serial number you mention that you said isn’t correct. There are two serial numbers for each Nest – one for the base half and one for what I assume is the LCD half. You can view them via the “Settings->Technical Info” menu on the Nest itself or via the web interface.


  2. One more thing – I’m not sure if you’ve already seen this, but on the Nest site they list all the open source used:

    Perhaps one of the packages listed might give a clue as to the key/value pairing format used in the web interface.

    I stumbled across the open-source list when reading the “Settings->Legal Info” menu option on the Nest itself – they listed the URL as, but that URL doesn’t exist.

    1. @Randal – thanks for the link. One thermostat was definitely defective as it read incorrectly in two locations in our house and consistently read much higher than 2 proven thermometers (4-6 degrees F warmer). It would report 74F when it was impossible that it was 74F (as it’s a cool enough winter that our house is never that warm and the thermostat was set to 68F). I certainly can believe that there’s some inaccuracy in other thermostats.

  3. The 1832 degrees F is just 1000 degrees celcius. At least it shows that high limit was not a random number.

  4. I think they block anything that’s not from their IP range, unfortunately, so you can’t really connect unless you packet sniff from your host device. I’ve tried to connect and although I’ve set up all the right stuff, it won’t connect. :(

    1. I don’t understand what you mean? Their “IP Range”?

      It’s possible they’ve changed the protocol or authentication since I wrote this up. I was just doing some stuff recently with a node.js based API that I was working on. It was working, but I admit I was rethinking auth.

  5. Sorry, by IP range, I mean they are probably doing IP filtering, but come to think of it, that can’t be right since I’m able to reach the web site.

    I’ve even written a utility to read the initial hit and add all the sent cookies to the request. I’m still unable to make the request work.

    Maybe someone could try Fiddler to test?

  6. You’ve got the auth spot-on, btw. You can see the headers when you use Chrome to make the request. The post has username/password/next/ where token name is some token that is passed on the initial request to the page.

  7. @Suman: If you are making a request via JavaScript, then yes, you won’t be able to do it. Your browser has “origin” restrictions and the Nest servers do too. Meaning, you can’t make a cross-site request.

    If you are making the request with a server side language, the request are fairly straight to make. I’ve been working on a PHP library the last few days to encapsulate some of the requests.

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